I shall be telling this with a sigh
In some EFL meeting ages hence:
Two players diverged on my squad, and I,
I let Altuve travel by,
And that has made some difference.
I should be telling this to Karen
Who is my wife (she’s Mrs. Cheese):
I offered three years to a pitcher named Haren
At six mil each; but she’s not carin’
That he has totally failed to please.
I have been telling this with a sob
To all who would hear, and not turn away:
That only two pitchers, S. Gray and A. Cobb
Have been any good; the others have robbed
The Cheese of their chance to compete in this fray.
I shall be telling this with great zeal
When this time next year my Lament hits the post:
That Jason and Pablo, Wil and Yasiel
Along with more pitching, will be the real deal
And Cheese fans have something of which they can boast.