
Should the Rosebuds Get to Withhold E. Santana’s Pay?

Ervin Santana was suspended today for 80 games — essentially half the season — for using a steroid. (He didn’t know he was ingesting it, of course.).  His MLB team (the Twins) gets to keep what they were supposed to pay him during his suspension. Should the Rosebuds get the same break?

The rules are silent about this matter. We have in other cases allowed EFL teams to mirror real-life events.  When Raul Mondesi, at the very end of his career, went AWOL from his EFL team and got himself put on the restricted list and then got his contract cancelled, I got to drop him from my roster.

Logistically it’s not a problem — we’d just enter a credit at the bottom of their contracts from MLB for Santana’s suspension.

I lean toward saying an EFL team should be able to do (and should have to do) everything an MLB teams gets to (or has to) do. Obviously where this is too cumbersome or even impossible because we’re fantasy teams rather than real ones, we cut ourselves some slack.  But I don’t see how this is either.

So I would recommend that we allow the Rosebuds to take a credit against their obligations to Ervin Santana in the same proportions (50%) that the Twins can.

If you’d like to endorse or oppose this recommendation, do so in the comments.  An email to me would also suffice. I will propose language to make the rules reflect this if we agree this is the right thing.

I think another EFL player might also have been busted for PEDs the other day.  I can’t remember who that was. (It wasn’t a Wolverine.) Or maybe I am thinking about Jarred Cosart’s dalliances with bookies.





  • I remembered who the other PED user was: Arodys Vizcaino, formerly of the Kangaroos (and others?), now trying to make it back to the EFL with the Drive. He also was suspended for 80 games. So if we establish this policy, it would also save the Drive $500,000 this year.