This time it’s the opening day for classes for the 2016 Fall semester at GF. I have my first class at 1:00 — a 54...
Archive - August 2016
Alas, poor Rooick!
It’s getting late in the season, and some dreams are dying. Others are taking on a faint air of despair. And only a...
“There you go again.”
I am sitting in a departmental meeting, and will have no better opportunity to update the standings than this. But this is...
All hail…
… the Dragons, of course, if you know what side your bread is buttered on. But also, and more fun for 90% of the league...
Our beautiful mid-summer pennant race is disintegrating. And not in a good way, unless you’re reptilian. EFL Standings for...
All the little things can add up (Tuesday’s post)
(THIS POST WAS WRITTEN ON TUESDAY, AUG 23 — but didn’t publish when I told it to. I probably shut my computer before...
Public Service Announcement from our Dragon Overlords
Voice: We interrupt this program for an important bulletin from the EFL Capital. Anchorperson (in subdued voice, not looking at...
One of these is not like the others
Today I have proof there are baseball demons. And they’re out to get me. EFL Standings for 2016 EFL TEAM WINS LOSSES PCT...
We could have been the EMRL, I suppose
I updated the standings yesterday but didn’t post about it because the day was tied up with the fall faculty conference at...
Monsters of Unusual Size? I don’t think they exist.
Before we get to the standings — calm down, you there in the front row. Yes, yes, I know, you want to see the standings...