Friends: I realized today it might be of some help to you to know how I will implement the new mid-month adjustments rule. (The...
Archive - March 2017
Mr. EFL Answer Man: Opening Day Allocations Adjustable Until the Deadline
* Dear Mr. EFL Answer Man: <sob> <moan> “Drew Smyly “ <sob, sob, sob> “They…...
Where will the salary cap be?
Not everyone is always happy when there’s a big jump in salary cap. The Commissioner doesn’t like it because...
The Commissioner Completes the Record
Ok, I have totted up our expected wins according to FanGraphs and ZIPs. Both of these systems assume a team full of replacement...
The Commissioner Corrects the Record
The other day I posted in a comment to Dave’s confession of avarice, greed, and connivery a comment purporting to give you...
About Mid-Month Roster Moves
Dear Mr. Answer Man: Can you reiterate the new mid-month reallocation rule? Is it three moves of any kind, any time during the...
Fishing for Trout
Wayyy back in the summer of ’14, when the EFL world was a peaceful, happy place, ruled by a benevolent mountain range...
Fangraphs declares the winner(s) of the Draft! And reveals who robbed the innumerate old man and left him in the ditch.
Somehow Fangraphs got a copy of our draft results and has already informed a breathlessly waiting world who won the draft. Now I...
Look upon them and despair
The WBC All-Classic team has been announced — the twelve players who stood out in the tournament — and I am sorry to...
The Sense of the Meeting
I received eight (8!) survey responses, surpassing my wildest hopes. It seems that for some reason we’ve all been thinking...