We Mariners fans are going through a bad stretch right now. The M’s were in the Wild Card spot a few days ago. Now after...
Archive - August 2017
Econ 101: Bubble bursted
Economics also warns about bubbles. Bubbles occur when prices rise irrationally, and then keep on rising in a mindless frenzy...
Econ 101: Declining Marginal Value
Economists talk about the law of declining marginal value. The first donut on your plate is more valuable to you than the second...
Back into the mines, ye scurvy lads!
Today is the first day of classes at GFU. Out of respect for our GFU colleagues who are now back in the mines, we’ll keep...
Players Weekend is upon us. Every player gets to wear a jersey with his nickname on it. Some of the names are very familiar:...
More Blame Shifting
Our family vacation to Sunriver is over. We’re home, tired, and reasonably happy. So I can update now from Thursday’s...
Not Mea Culpa
Yesterday I apologized for what I believed was my error in recording Tuesday’s standings. But it wasn’t my error...
EFL Summitry
My family hiked up the South Sister today. Sam reached the summit, Ben and Melanie turned back a half-hour short of the summit...
Sobblemetric Reflections on the Latest Lament
The Head Cheese published today the seventh in his distinguished series of annual laments. We here at the EFL Center for the...
7th Annual Cheese Lament
The outlook sounded brilliant for the Cottage team this year, With Trout and Harper on the team, our destiny was clear. We...