I am grading furiously today (that and taking my car to the shop). So no time for MY comments. TONS of time for YOUR comments. ...
Archive - April 2018
Over the Moon
I got an email the other day from a stranger named Molly Woon, urging me to go to a political event I will never attend. I still...
Fantastic? Maybe. Surreal? Definitely.
Today’s featured image shows the Captain Kangaroo’s perfect birthday gift idea. (His birthday is Monday.) ...
TGFF (Thank God for Finals)
I am giving an Intro to Politics final now, which is a very good thing for the EFL because otherwise I wouldn’t have time...
The Search for Significance
Ryan informed me a couple of days ago that he knew we had reached the point where our early season sample had reached a level or...
Language leaves lawyer to languish in anguish
We learned quite a bit yesterday about lawyers, loopholes, and language. EFL Standings for 2018 EFL TEAM WINS LOSSES PCT. GB RS...
No, really, my Brain is fine. Why do you ask?
(NOTE: the picture accompanying this post on the webpage is of Enzo Rawat, the famous soccer player. I received it while I was...
… if I only had a brain
My agenda for this beautiful but chilly day is simple: Grade my brains out. I have a couple other tasks on the to-do list, but...
Just short of a full update
I had to quit part way through so I could go with Melanie to see a Thorns game. COnsider it an investment in EFL goodwill with...
Cuddly leadership
An appreciation of our cuddly league leaders. (I apologize to the Drive for the photo adorning this post. I had to go with a...