Some of you who have been suffering from a lack of information about Saturday’s wedding of Harry and Meghan may be...
Archive - May 2018
The league’s a bubbling
I spent some time yesterday watching videos of backyard volcanic eruptions in Hawaii. I was stuck by two things especially: how...
The Outbreak
Who are these people? EFL Standings for 2018 EFL TEAM WINS LOSSES PCT. GB RS RA Brookland Outs 28 17 .630 — 249.1 192.3 Old...
When the Europeans joined the American League
I’ve never read Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs and Steel. But as I understand it, the book argues that geography was the...
Out Colonized
The Outs have conquered. Borne on the burly back of Bartolo Colon, Brookland broke through our last line of defense yesterday...
The Top 1000 Things To Say About Cano: # 901
There are a thousand things to say about Robinson Cano’s PED suspension. I won’t say any of the 900 most important...
The time is NOW!
The Newberg School District is struggling through a tough budget crisis at a terrible time: just as it embarks on a decade of...
Mock Fantasy Baseball, Anyone?
The Johnsons outnumber the Mocks two to one in the league, but I’ve never gone so far as to call for Johnson Fantasy...
Happy Mother’s Day
Somehow our league has failed to attract any mothers. Two of us are fathers to EFLers. Three of us have fathers in the league. ...
OK, I repent of what I did yesterday, throwing a no-hitter (ie, no comments) at 8 EFL teams just because they haven’t...