Here are the standings as of the morning of Thursday, Aug 4. This is the last set of standings before our own Trade Deadline frenzy over the last few days.
Below the standings I offer some notes of interest. I invite you to add notes of your own about Week 18, in the comments. I especially invite comments on individual performances by EFL players.
Some interesting notes:
- The Balk started the week 1.4 games up on second place Old Detroit. DC lost its week-long series to the 10th-place Pittsburgh Alleghenys, who won the series 3.9 games to 2.1.
- Meanwhile the Wolverines were winning at a .900 rate for the second week in. a row. That was enough to turn the W’s 1.4 game deficit into a 1.5- game advantage. The W’s also regained the lead in raw winning percentage, over the Seraphim.
- Said Seraphim just baaaarely prevented the Kangaroos from bounding past them into 3rd place. The ‘Roos improved their winning percentage for the 10the week in a row, and were the only team to keep pace the Wolverines’ weekly winning percentage.
- The Johnsons played each other this week. The Old Johnson match came out in the Dragons favor, helping them stay in contact with the front-runners. The Drive, on the other hand, were sent out of the pennant race, at least for the moment. They even fell behind the Tornados.
- Speaking of Flint Hill — they won the Young Johnson tournament in Week 18, going 4.6 – 1.4 versus the Portland Rosebuds. This is the only sibling rivalry in our league and older brother Jamie showed bigger brother Mark who is the boss.
- The Cascade still lead the Alleghenys, but only by 0.7 games. Bellingham and Peshastin were the victims of the Mock Boys’ very good weeks.
Hmmm…the Roos had a better base winning percentage than the Wolverines. And our opponents had exactly the same winning percentage, yet the ‘Roos had an overall winning percentage of .900 and the Wolverines had a .905? Something feels off here.
Good catch, Ryan, and thank you. The problem was in Columns W and X of the “Opponent ” section of the Week 18 Results chart (the second chart I present each update).
Somehow some of those cells were looking at the wrong source. Except for the team playing the Pirates, each team should point to its own results reported in Columns R and S, which pull their data from the Data Entry sheets. Some of those cells were pulling data from the wrong team’s results in Columns R and S. Others were pulling data from the wrong’ teams’ data entry sheets.
Mark W noticed another symptom of this same problem a couple of days ago, saying Pirates data had been reported as Allegheny data (or something like that). I couldn’t spot the issue from that description, but Ryan’s different description led me to the problem.
I attribute this error to late-night efforts to do the weekly set-up. I should have been alerted to the problem by the identical RS/RA results reported in Columns W and X for multiple teams. But when I am too tired I make miscues and miss cues. This is why owner-active error correction is so important.
The Seraphim have been sort of winging it (ha ha) this week. Four of our pitchers (Gonsolin, Ray, Taillon, Archer) – no wait, make that five (Ashby) – have decided together to stink it up. The hitters have been no better than mediocre, for the most part. Acuña had more than one hit in a game just once since July 9, his BA dropping 25 points in those weeks. Maybe his wings didn’t fit? I traded him away and the next night he got four hits.
Some of the pitchers (Ray, Gonsolin) are returning to form, but one of my most consistent (Walker) gave up 8 ER in 1 inning last night. So it’s a long climb back to first. Still not writing any laments.