OK, here is the latest as of a few minutes after midnight, Monday morning, August 8, 2022:
- Four days and three games into Week 19, the Wolverines have squandered 2.5 of their 2.0-game lead, and are now in second place. It’s not just a few players: the entire team, offense (4.2 rc/g) AND pitching (5.45 ERA) is performing badly.
- The Balk were ready to take advantage, racking up a miniscule 1.64 ERA. The Balkan offense wasn’t as great — but at 3.8 rc/g they gained plenty against the Wolverines. Led by Tristan McKenzie’s 8 ip, 1 er, the Balkan hurlers have held opponents to 1.64 earned runs per game so far.
- Even scarier than the Balk are the Kangaroos, who have ceased to sneaking and commenced to bounding up the standings. They’re spiffy 2.40 ERA goes nicely with their outstanding 7.8 runs created per game, led by
- The Seraphim are hanging in there this week. They have dropped from third to fourth place but have gained 1..5 game on first place.
- It’s now 12:21 AM and I have dozed off a half-dozen times. I need to go to bed. I apologize to the other 7 teams I didn’t mention.