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2023 Opening Day Salary Cap makes every EFL team mean… if you know what I mean

Jeff from Cot’s Baseball Contracts has come through.  The Opening Day salaries are published, and they had a nice little prize: an extra million bucks.

On March 23, Jeff’s numbers predicted the MLB mean team salary would be $157,836,667, which would give us a salary cap of $118,500,000.  Instead, the actual MLB mean team salary* came in at $119,417,500.  75% of that is $119,417,500, which translates to an Opening Day salary cap of $119,500,000.  

With our $725,000 monthly increase, our end of April cap will reach 120,250,000. 


  • Yeah, I can’t understand it, either. Why ARE we using a mean MLB team’s salary for our cap? Is there even one mean team in the EFL?  Well, OK, maybe one. And since all EFL salary caps are identical, this means we all have the mean EFL team’s salary cap. So I suppose it’s fair.