Dear Mr. EFL Answer Man:
Where are my standings! It’s been 3 whole days now! Have the Dragons clinched? Have the Alleghenys gained? Have the Wolverines descended into the pits never to be seen again, this season? What gives?
— Irate Patron
Dear Irene:
Here are some possible explanations for the lack of standings updates:
- It’s all the commissioner’s fault, because he threw down his computer in disgust at the Wolverine pitching Wed – Fri (which averaged almost 9.0 ERA) and broke it to pieces. Then he stomped on it to break it into smithereens. Then he tossed it from his seat at Safeco last night so it would be atomized on impact when it fell to the ground below.
- It’s all George Fox University’s fault for making the commissioner so stinking busy he couldn’t do updates Thursday and Friday.
- It’s all your own darn fault for not insisting that we transform September into Mocktober so the database wouldn’t refuse to recognize games or stats from October as being part of September.
Hint, about the first possibility — here’s where we sat last night:
Meanwhile Dave is back at work, having returned from his lolligagging all over Europe, so we may have a solution to the Mocktober muddle before too long. Not that the Commissioner’s Office particularly wants to look at the remains of another roadkilled Wolverine season…