Dear Mr. EFL Answer Man:
Last month, even though the Cheese were over the cap, we were allocated 1/2 a mil to spend. We didn’t get a chance to do that. My understanding was that this half-a-mil would grow to 1 full mil for the June draft. Is that right?
Now in addition, we have made a trade that will (when it is actually recorded) put us 1/2 a mil UNDER the June salary cap. So – will the Cheese have their promised 1 mil “grace” allowance PLUS the 1/2 mil that we gained through the trade?
–Inquiring Mind Wishes To Know
Dear I. Mind:
The rules call for monthly bumps in the salary cap, $500,000 per month. But when we made the rule we wanted to also let people over the salary cap enjoy the summer drafts, so we gave them a grace allowance to play with: $500,000 each month, cumulative.
But you were still in violation of the salary cap. You were forbidden to make trades that increased your salary obligations, and you only got the grace allowance to draft with because the league was cutting you some slack.
Now you are back in compliance with the rules, you can go out in public with pride, you can make trades that cost you up to your salary cap ( ie, $500,000 net as of June), and now you must comply with the same salary cap as every other team who never went over the salary cap.
If we let you keep the $500,000 you had as a grace for May, and another $500,000 grace for June, AND the two bumps in the salary cap, you would have FOUR $500,000 bumps by now while everyone else has only two.
As usual, this ruling is subject to appeal to the league owners, and can be overruled by a majority vote of all the owners.
— Mr. EFL Answer MAn