I said the other day our best race was at the bottom of the standings. But there’s something to be said for the top, too.
Note also how we’ve nearly erased the difference between our raw results (on average) and our result playing head-to-head with MLB teams. After week one the difference was a .490 raw winning percentage and a .450 adjusted one, a matter of 0.040 percentage points. After week two the difference was .446 to .418, or 0.028. Now we’re only 0.012 below what we would be if we were still playing .500-level MLB competition. Even better: this week’s improvement includes a slight improvement in our raw winning percentage, so our teams have apparently stopped getting worse (via injuries, etc.).
And the last-place EFL team is still edging closer to the first place one.
It’s finals week, I’m grading like a fiend, I have a FA list to update, I have civility project stuff to do… This is all I can manage for today’s update.’
Send me your allocation changes for Week 4 by 5:00 tomorrow. I’ll make a copy of the Data Entry version of your spreadsheet and make it available to you to edit so you can experiment with allocations. Send me a snapshot of your allocation, or a cut and paste into an email, or an email telling me to look at your copy of the Data Entry sheet. . Thanks.