Dear Mr. EFL Answer Man: Explain to me how our new bidding sheet works. Also, how our new...
Category - Mr. EFL Answer Man
Is Murgatroid Worth It?
Dear Mr. EFL Answer Man: Do you happen to know (or can approximate) what the average money is spent...
Bids and Sorrows: Cease
Dear Mr. EFL Answer Man: So now that I’ve won the bid on him, will I need to allocate Dylan...
Mr. EFL Answer Man: What About Shohei?
Dear Mr. EFL Answer Man: Although the salary for which he will be signed is unknown and perhaps too...
Mr. EFL Answer Man: Who Comes Firster on Fr.?
Dear Mr. EFL Answer Man: I have a question: I owe Fister $1,500,000. Flint Hill owes Fister over...
More About Trades: EFL Answer Man
My unnamed correspondent from yesterday has another question: Dear Mr.EFL Answer Man:...
Mr EFL Answer Man: More About Loans
Dear Mr. EFL Answer Man: We have a question about the following trade (the names have been changed...
Mr. Assistant Answer Man Answers a Man
Dear Mr. Answer Man: Is there something I need to do before submitting my allocations for July? ...
Mr. EFL Answer Man: When can we use players at new positions?
Dear Mr. EFL Answer Man: You’re amazing…! About the free agent list: are all the June...